Who doesn't want a
Caddyshack T-Shirt featuring one of the most epic battles of Motion Picture history. For me,
Carl Spackler vs. The Gopher (aka Varmint Cong) is right up there with Rocky vs. Apollo Creed and Godzilla vs. King Kong...well, maybe a little higher. Here is the same design, highlighting this war on a menace to the golfing industry, in both the G-Rated version(for all fans) and the more risque version(my personal favorite). I guarantee you will get a laugh wherever you go wearing one of these Caddyshack Shirts. The most memorable place I got noticed wearing this T-Shirt was in a haunted house at Screams Amusement Park near Dallas, Texas. It was interesting to say the least.
To get one of these awesome Carl Spackler vs. The Gopher shirts, visit my
Caddyshack T-Shirts store. Also, if you want to see some other funny and interesting t-shirts, swing by
http://papoontshirts.com .
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